Hatch Cross-Stitch (GEM)
Take a tour of the Hatch Cross Stitch GEM then continue with 7 lessons in walking you through the tools and how to use them. The perfect starter course to get a jump start on how to use Hatch's Cross Stitch.
Tour of Hatch Cross Stitch HGX-01-00
Introduction to Hatch Cross Stitch HGX-01-01
Cross Stitch Essentials HGX-01-02
Lining up a cross-stitch grid in Hatch Cross Stitch GEM HGX-01-02b
Manual Cross Stitch Digitizing HGX-01-03
Auto Digitizing with Cross Stitch HGX-01-04
Editing Basics in Hatch Cross Stitch HGX-01-05
Transforming Stitch Blocks in Hatch Cross Stitch HGX-01-06
Adjusting Hatch Cross Stitch Colors HGX-01-07
Preparing to Stitch a Cross Stitch Design HGX-01-08